It seems that Kyler is starting to give up his morning nap. I know it is about that time, but I am still trying desperately to keep it going. I have heard that most kids give it up around one year. He has always been a very good napper so I hope he would go a little longer. Besides, he isn't even a year yet! I will keep up my efforts to save it for now.
I haven't figured out how to get the video going on line yet, but Kyler continues to cruise around the house. He now has a toy (from Gramma) that he pushes like a cart back and forth in the family room. He also stands on his own for longer and longer periods of time. Walking may be very soon- I will keep you posted.
He wont drink out of a sippy cup and prefers playing with it, but today he slurped sips from a real cup and loved it. In fact, he had the death grip on it and I had a hard time taking it away!
Am I ready for potty training- I seem to have mastered the toilet paper part!

More photos from my photo shoot.