Sunday, September 14, 2008

Backpacks, bars, and block parties!

Kyler had his first day of preschool last week, and although he had been going to daycare it was still a big deal for him:new school, teachers, kids. He did very well, though and loves his new Spiderman backpack. In fact, he rarely takes it off.

On Friday night, the usual suspects all went to see Uncle Icky's band play. Kyler had a blast listening to the music and dancing.

Getting his groove on with Aunt Chelle. That is my huge belly in the foreground.

Saturday was our neighborhood block party, so Kyler got to hang with some kids from the neighborhood.

Here, him and his buddies decided to get into the face paint and have a great old time- my tub is still red!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Ocean City, MD 2008

We had our week at the beach last week. Mom and Dad weren't able to make it this year, but Aunt Michelle, Uncle Dave, Aunt Renee, and Uncle "Icky" were all there. The weather was great and we had a lot of fun.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Alaina Michelle

September 1, 2008
9:27 a.m.
7 pounds 3 ounces
20 inches
Congratulations to my cousin, Shane and Tina.


Brady Joseph
September 1, 2008
11:30 a.m.
7 pounds 9 ounces
20-1/2 inches
Congratulations to my cousin, Shawn, Tifffany, and new big brothers: Brett and Brian.

Daddies, Shane and Shawn are identical twins and their babies were born on the same day, same hospital, 2 hours apart! How cute are they?!?!