After returning form our trip to Florida, we all got sick. Mia had it the worst, poor thing: 6 days of fever and constant crying with vomiting on day 5. Took her to the doctors 3 times over the course of a week. They said it was the flu, but never said whether it was Swine or regular. Thanksgiving was a little rough as a result but we toughed it out for some turkey with all the fixings, and of course pie!
The following week we got together with my cousins and their kids to draw names for Pollyanna!

The first snow of the year. Kyler loves it and is not afraid of snowmen this year. Although, he did insist that the snowman not have eyes or a nose or a hat for some reason??

Going to get our Christmas tree!

Uncle Erik's birthday party. The girls can sit and play together now!

The Mamas and their babies.

Grandmom and Pop pop with their grandchildren!

Mia turned 14 months yesterday. She is becoming a great eater! It just happened over night. She pretty much eats everything I give her now: lasagna, chili, toquitos, quesadillas, meatballs, all kinds of fruits and veggies. It's great. Now her and her brother have switched roles and he is becoming the picky one. She is 20 pounds, 13 ounces(27%), but I think that will start picking up soon. She's clapping, waving bye- bye, and signing "more" quite a bit now. She is also repeating words and sounds and says a few on her own. Her favorite thing to say now is, "Uh oh!" I think she drops things on purpose just so she can say it!
Kyler and her are able to play together a little and it is the cutest thing to watch. Kyler sometimes plays the parent telling her, "I am very frustrated with you right now, Mia" or "Mia, I don't want to see that again!" He is sooooo excited for Christmas he can barely stand it. It is a lot of fun doing all the activities and preparations with them. It will be a great time this year!