Mia is getting really active now. She's a squirmy little worm whenever you try to hold her because she wants to be down on the floor getting into things. She is pulling up now and starting to move her feet around a little. She also gets on her hands and knees and will move forward a little. I think she will be crawling very soon. She is 18 pounds 5.5 ounces (30%), so she has dropped a little again in weight. She just isn't the big eater Kyler was. I am finding that she prefers to feed herself so we are giving her more big girl food rather than baby food. Her favorites are cheese, bread, crackers, and watermelon.
Fun at Chuck E Cheese.

Some of you may remember this picture I posted as a joke last year.

Kyler never used this potty but we keep it in the bathroom because his stuffed animals use it to potty. I went in this morning and there was pee in it! Kyler said he didn't do it, nor did I, Chris, Mia, or his stuffed bunny. On further inspection (smell) I determined that it was Charlie's pee. All in the potty, not a drop on the floor! When Kyler was potty training, Charlie pee'd on the front of the toilet a couple times after we would make a big deal about Kyler going on the potty as if to say, "Hey, I can do that too." Kyler had a recent set back so we were making a big deal about it again. So I guess he was jealous. I didn't know whether to yell at him for peeing in the house or reward him for being so smart?!?!