Mia was 16 months old on February 9th. She is 22 pounds, 4 ounces (36%). By comparison, Kyler was over 28 pounds at 16 months, and also almost 3 inches taller!
She is all over the place now, getting into everything, reminding me of all the things Kyler use to get into. I'm glad most of the baby proofing stayed in tact. She is now going down the slide sitting up, feet first by herself. She is saying more and more words every day: banana, balloon, boo-boo, orange, and she really likes to roar when she plays with dinosaurs and make vroom noises when she plays with cars. She loves to read books and play with her baby doll. She is still working on those 4 molars. Man, it takes a long time for those suckers to come through. She has also on 2 occasions said "poo-poo" and immediately followed it up by pooping. We're not getting our hopes up, but maybe potty training will be a little easier this time.
Kyler and her are finding more things they like to play together:
1. "Catch me"- Kyler runs around the house while Mia toddles along behind him. She has never actually caught him but they both have fun.
2. Remote control car- Kyler plays with his remote car and Mia chases it.
3. Shape sorter- Kyler lines up the shape in the right hole and lets Mia push it through.
Kyler continues to love the snow. Blizzard part 2 happened on Wednesday and things are still crazy here. We invested in a cheap snowboard for Kyler that is his size and he has been out in the backyard every day. Daddy is having fun with it too, setting up jumps for himself. We may have the next Shaun White on our hands (Kyler, not Chris) :o)

Happy Valentine's Day!