I feel very fortunate that the situation with work and babysitting is going so well as I have heard some stories... However, I have realized that nobody has it as good as the Canadians! Our friends from Canada, Leslie and Carl came to visit last night. Leslie is due with a ??? in December. Anyway she told us (new mommies get ready to scream) that in Canada, you get 12 months maternity leave, where the government pays you 50% of your salary (up to a max) for the entire 12 months! Not only that, but many companies then pay on top of that to bring you up to your full salary which then decreases over 6-7 months! I am considering an international move for the next baby. The only problem, though is that you have to then live in Canada (hehe, just kidding)
Anyway, here's some recent photos in his new digs brought back from Switzerland from Aunt Michelle and Uncle Dave.

That whole Canadian maternity leave thing sounds pretty sweet. I was at my chiropractor this morning (she is Canadian) and she was telling me about it too. Argh! She said some women in Canada are even trying to push for a TWO YEAR maternity leave! Uh, don't push it, ok? LOL.
That's unbelievable! 12 months? Geez, we're lucky to get 12 weeks and still have a job! Glad things are working out with the sitter.
Here we go again with the different looks. In the first 2 pics he reminds me of Erik, but the 3rd pic looks like Chris with Steph's mouth and ears.
Regardless, he is my little cutie pie!!! And I am not prejudiced at all!
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