He has been eating food so well now and really starting to fill in. He doesn't turn his nose up at anything and weighed in at 16 pounds, 14 ounces last week. He goes for his 6 month visit this Friday so we will get his exact stats then.
He started sitting on his own last week and has been getting better every day.
Monday, his first tooth came through.
Tuesday, he finally rolled from back to belly and now I can't keep him from rolling all around the room!
He is just so active and fun lately, but also requires much more supervision. Last week, I was eating a salad while sitting next to him and out of no where, he flung himself forward and got 2 big fists full of lettuce with dressing running down his arms. He had the biggest grin on his face like he couldn't be happier!
Sitting on his own

The tooth. I swear it is there. You can feel it better than see it.

Jake is VERY jealous of all that gorgeous hair Kyler has! I'll tell Jake it's because Kyler eats his baby food like a good boy. :)
I'm so jealous. All the babies have teeth and are rolling over consistantly, except Madison. What happened to girls developing faster than boys? Oh well...she'll get there. This sure is a fun age. I can't believe he grabbed your salad! That's hilarious! Do you have a future vegetarian on your hands? Kyler has beautiful eyes. Might they be staying blue?
I think the hair thing is an illusion. It always looks like he has a lot more than he does in photos. Probably because it is dark.
As soon as he hit 6 months, all the other stuff came on suddenly. Last week: sitting, Monday: tooth, Tuesday: rolling. I guess it happens like that. Nothing for a while, then a bunch of stuff at once. And remember, some things happen based on gestational age, so Madison is technically younger then Kyler.
So far, Kyler's eyes are still a grey/blue. They're not real blue-blue like Maddy's, so they may still change.
For now, Kyler is still a veggie, but Daddy (a meatetarian) won't let that last as soon as we get the green light to add meats.
Guess who rolled over like 10 times last night? I couldn't believe it! When you start the meats keep a camera handy. Maddy tried chicken this week and does not like it. It actually makes her gag. So we're onto something else...
Salad is not food, it's what food eats.
Ha! Not sure who left the comment above, but to quote our favorite comedian, John Pinette, "Salad is a promisory note that food will soon arrive."
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