Kyler turned 9 months last week (on the 8th), and had his appointment with the doctor on Friday. Luckily, no shots this month, just a prick to check for anemia (which was fine) and he didn't even flinch. He is now a whopping 20 pounds, 7.9 ounces and 30 inches long (bulking up a little, but still kind of a stringbean).
His progress continues: Top tooth on the right has just come through. He also loves clapping and just started to boogy a little on his own when he hears music. Not long after mastering crawling, he started going up the 2 steps (with supervision) to the kitchen. Problem is, he likes to try to go down the same way he went up: head first. We'll have to work on that one. He has also started to "cruise" around, walking a little while holding onto things. He sometimes forgets about the "holding on" part, though, which resulted in his first boo boo. He fell and bumped the table, resulting in a fat lip! I was right there too, but the bugger went down so fast. The table was covered with a pad, so I went out and bought additional padding for the edges. I think I'm at about $600 in baby proofing and still could use some more. Chris thinks I should start some kind of business in baby proofing since its such a $$$ maker! Who can put a price on the safety of their child!
I don't think I'm going to make it to my first birthday for my first haircut.

What am I 9 months or 90 years old? This is my grouchy old man look.

More pics from my stay at Gramma and Granpa's

We loved having the little munchkin with us! He was a handful, but so much fun too!! We miss him...when is he coming to stay again?? (took 9 months until we got to have him overnight!)
That is not his grumpy old man look, that look is "Hey, the sun is shinning in my eyes" squint!
He loves chilling with his grandpa now. No more "stink eye" we hope!
Cuter. Every. Minute.
Jake has the same blue doggie PJs! Actually, he somehow ended up with 2 pairs...not sure how that happened...
LOVE the old man face!!!
As soon as I saw the long-haired-Kyler photo I thought "that's Eric'"! And then I read Stephanie's post about his hair being long and it all came together -- Aerosmith/Skid-Row... the late 80's... and Eric's fabulous leave-in conditioner that we'd always "borrow"! Kyler is adorable... I say keep his hair long and start the conditioner immediately!!!
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