Saturday was also Cinqo de Mayo, so we enjoyed some margaritas while Kyler was still napping.
Where's my margarita?
Now Kyler has a Kawasaki like Daddy!
And the piece de resistance: The cake.
He was so funny. At first, he kept putting the cake up to his mouth, but then looking around at everyone and putting it back down. He did this several times before actually biting it. It was like he was thinking, "there is no way they are going to let me do this...are they really going to let me do this?..surely someone is going to stop me..."
"Mommy and Daddy have been holding out on me! I never knew such yummy things existed. I never want to eat anything else again."
1 comment:
Hey - looks like you guys had fun! Love the "cake" shots. I wish Maddy had been that interested in her cake! Happy Birthday Kyler!
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