The big one year old has been having a good time. He has mastered walking and that's all he does now. He walks inside, outside, on grass, pavement, carpet, barefoot and in real big boy shoes! He even walks around while you're trying to change his diaper. I walked in his room the other day to find him standing there, buck naked, peeing into Chris' hands. Chris said Kyler took off after he took his diaper off and just started spraying. He didn't know what else to do, so he cupped his hands to catch it!
At the park.

Moving on to the next thing.

Memorial Day at Gramma and Granpa's house.

At the Strawberry festival. Hot, sweaty, and blue lipped from his water ice.

His first pony ride.
LAUGHING OUT LOUD at the peeing in Chris' hands story. Aren't little boys the best???!
Ethan has the nickname "Mr. Sprinkles for that very reason!
Kyler is really on the go these days, quite a handful. He loves that little beach ball, just his size (thanks Aegon, my work) when they gave those out, I thought "what am I going to do with that little thing". Now I know!
Love the look on the "pony" (that is a very big pony) Looks like he is not too sure he likes being up there!
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