Kyler managed to have a pretty good Christmas even thought he was very sick. He started with a fever on Christmas eve that continued between 103 and 105 degrees for 5 days. We paged the doctor on Christmas eve (I'm sure he loved that) and took him in on Wednesday to find out he had RSV bronchiolitis. Apparently, this can be quite serious in little guys and they sometimes need hospitalized. Fortunately, Kyler got through it okay, but pretty much slept the week away: 14 hours at night and a 5 hour nap. By the end of the week, he started to dig his new presents.
So sick...
but still able to eat pie.
Kyler got a whole new playroom in the basement.
Dada got a playroom too.

Looks like it was a fun Christmas, even if poor Kyler was sick :(
Sorry we weren't able to make it to the Guie Family Christams - but I think you guys missed it too, right?
Kyler's new playroom looks awesome! Jake will be eager to come over for a playdate some day. :)
Yeah, we had to miss it too, because of course, Chris and I are sick now too!
Jake is invited down to play anytime.
Poor little guy. We were so glad to see him last night, much better and having fun with all his toys.
Oh and the pic of Matt and Chris...only Canadian boys would have on shorts and a sleveless shirt in the end of December!! Ha Ha
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