In our spare time, we've also embarked on another adventure: PRE-potty training. Kyler will be 21 months in a week or so, but I have a friend who's little girl was fully potty trained by that age! I'm not expecting anything, but it can't help to introduce the idea, right??? I noticed my cousin, Kelly, is going through the same thing with her little boy, Jake.
So I bought a book (of course, those of you that know me, know I buy a book for everything) but I think it may be back-firing. It says to start teaching the terminology. So Chris and I had to go over a long list and decide on our words, ie pee-pee, tinkle, wee-wee, willy, poos, caca, BM, tushy, bum, etc. So now Kyler is running around saying, "PEE-PEE, POO-POO". Great. Then, we taught him not to fear the flush. So he cranks on all the flushers in the house until the chains break! Great! There is also another good story about putting some of the poop from his diaper into the toilet and flushing it, but I've been banned from telling it.
Anyway, we got him a little potty just so he can get used to it, but he won't be still long enough to sit on it, especially not with his pants off. So for now, we'll take what we can get.
I'm starting to think this would be easier.