A couple weeks ago, we noticed Kyler would point to the Cat in the Hat book saying "apple". There is no apple on the cover. Then he pointed to Chris' Florida State shirt saying "apple". We finally realized he was pointing to the A's, A for Apple. So I wrote out letters to find out that he knows a bunch of letters by name. I didn't even know it. So now when we read books, he likes to point out letters he knows.
We have been using a baby doll to get him use to the idea of having a baby around. So he hugs it, gives it a bottle, and throws it on the floor...luckily, we still have time. Anyway, the other day he picked up the doll, turned it over, sniffed its butt, made a funny face, and said Poo-poo! At least he can help identify when the baby needs a diaper change.
Here he is enjoying Mama's hummus. If you try to give him a pretzel, he does a dipping motion with it, pitching a fit for some hummus.
Our little monkey.
I know what you mean about them learning things you don't realize they're learning. We are constantly amazed by different things Maddy does. Of course, no examples come to mind at the moment. Hope you are feeling well!
Yeah, I think we can thank school for a lot of it!
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