Kyler's actual 2nd birthday was on Thursday. It was much less exciting than his party on Saturday (pretty much a cupcake with a candle after dinner), but it was very meaningful to me. I kept replaying the day 2 years ago in my head. I would look at the clock and think, "what was I doing right now 2 years ago"...mostly feeling tremendous pain, but it was the best day of my life. And every day since has been better because of that day.
I can't believe it has been 2 years. They grow up so fast, but it has its benefits too. Now that Kyler is a kisser and a hugger, I take full advantage of it. I know it won't last forever. And when he says, "Yuv you" it just melts my heart.
Friday we moved Kyler into his new big boy room. We moved the crib in too just so he could get use to the room before switching to the big boy bed. So its a little tight in there right now with a 2 dressers, double bed, and a crib and changing table, but we are managing. There is no room for the rocker so we do story time in his new bed. He seems to like it. It all goes so fast: new room, big boy bed, potty training... Next thing you know, he'll be packing for college.
What a nice post! It's amazing what a differenc they make in our lives. Happy Birthday Kyler!
Happy 2nd Birthday Big Boy! :)
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