We spent some time at Grandma and Pop Pop's pool and saw a concert at Miller park. Kyler really took to the pool quickly this year and was dancing and having fun with The Grease Band (forgot my camera at the concert-oops).
Kyler also had his 2 year appointment last week and is still freakishly big, according to his doctor: 38 1/2 inches tall and 35 lbs, 15 oz; off the chart in both height and weight now too. He just got new shoes, size 9 1/2. When will this kid slow down?!?!

On a new baby note, we had another ultrasound last week. Everything looks good and NO we did not look between the legs!
Wow - Kyler is a big guy! I can't imagine where in the world he might possibly get that from.... Hmmm... better ask his daddy if he might know.... :)
Oh my goodness. What a big boy! Maddy hasn't grown an inch since her 18 month check up. She's stuck at 33 inches.
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