We waited for a weekend with no plans as we figured we would be getting very little sleep. We had some ideas for back up plans in case we ran into a lot of trouble but figured we would just try the usual routine first.
So that's what we did: bath, jammies, brush teeth, 2 stories and into the bed he went. I laid him down, covered him with the blanket, left the room, and NEVER HEARD A PEEP OUT OF HIM UNTIL 7:30 THE NEXT MORNING!!!!! Yes, I am serious. Its been that way every night since.
Naps are a little bit tougher, but just the same as they were in the crib. He always would play in his crib for a while (sometimes takes an hour) until he falls asleep. Same thing in the bed, except now, he can get out and get things to drag into bed. So we just have to be careful what we leave in his room: books-okay, emptying an entire new pack of 80 wipes into his bed- not okay. But no crying, fussing, or trying to get out of his room. YEAH KYLER!!!!
Here he is sleeping like a baby the first night. He slept across it up by the headboard. I guess that felt more like his crib. Now, he usually sleeps lengthwise but sometimes, upside down.

Yeah Kyler! What a big boy!! When we moved Olivia to her big girl bed Earl was convinced she was going to get out, but didn't.
They are all getting so grown up.
Way to go Kyler! :) Also glad to see Jake isn't the only one to go night-night with a binkie :)
Oh definitely binkie for night-night. We haven't even tried to take it away. We knew we would need it for the transition to the bed.
Way to go Kyler!! That's great, though we are oh, SO jealous. I won't tell you what Chris said! :-)
Maddy is doing much better these days, but rarely sleeps through the night.
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