The first week home with Mia was uneventful, just the usual healing. The second week proved a little tougher. Mia wasn't gaining any weight so we had to give her pumped bottles to monitor her intake and take her to the doctor daily. Kyler was having pretty much constant melt downs and our indoor cat disappeared. After about a week, Mia started gaining weight and I could go back to nursing. (Pumping 8 times a day is awful-I was about to throw the pump out the window!) Kyler also settled down and our cat came home after 9 days!
Ah...everything was falling into place, then I started to feel a little sick... then I got worse...and worse...I was trying to fight it off but with little or no sleep that wasn't going to happen. I finally went to the doctor to find out I had a sinus infection and bronchitis-nice!
I am now day 3 on my second antibiotic (4 days of the first one did nothing) and starting to feel a tiny bit better. Uggg-It feels like by the time I am well, Mia wont even be a baby anymore!
So this should get you up to speed:
Chris took Kyler to Milky way farms for pumpkin picking.
Mia's first dress.
Kyler's Halloween parade at preschool.
Carving pumpkins.
Our pumpkins. Chris did 2 and I did 1, can you guess which? (Chris is our resident artist)
Kyler kept saying, "Happy Day" and trying to blow out the candles. I guess he thought it was someone's birthday.
Cute costumes! :)
Hope you feel better soon....
Was this the fastest October ever?? Did anyone verify the calendar to make SURE there were 31 days this time??
Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, but glad to hear everyone is on the mend. The costumes are great!! I agree with Kelly that it was the fastest October in history.
Hope you're feeling better! It's hard enough adjusting to having two kids without being sick on top of it. Great costumes. I see I'm not the only one that likes a theme. Fortunately, you succeeded! Hope to see you guys soon!
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