Mia is 6 months old today and getting so big, so fast. I can't believe she's half way to being 1 already. It is definitely going by much quicker with the second baby.
She is 15 pounds, 14 ounces (51%). Her doctor appointment is next week so we will get her height then.
She has mastered all her level 1 fruits and veggies and loves everything. She is sleeping through the night in her crib, but still prefers her swing for naps. I can put her down wide awake in her crib at night and she doesn't even fuss, but during the day, she screams like it's torture! Good thing we got a swing that plugs in or we'd be broke from D batteries. She can sit on her own for a good couple minutes now, and can even stand for a short time holding onto a sturdy object, but she can't rollover. Hmm...maybe has something to do with napping in the swing:) Oh well, I'm in no rush. She can stay my little baby forever.
Some funny outtakes from our "photo shoot". I love the second one. Does anyone remember the church lady from SNL? And the last one looks like, "I've had enough of this photo shoot."

Too cute! Glad you finally convinced Chris to break out the camera ;)
Actually, this was me breaking out his camera while he was a work. Of course, I don't really know what I'm doing. He asked me what setting I used and I said, "Ummmm.... ON!"
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