Mia and her boyfriend, Yogi (Logan).

At Sesame Place with Uncle Dave, Aunt Michelle, and Lyla. Lyla would NOT take her eyes off of the show for the picture.

So cute, Mia and Kyler going to birthday parties together. (That is Mia on the left eating her pizza off her plate like a dog:o))

We had a bit of an accident last Saturday. Kyler fell off the monkey bars at the park behind our house. He was such a tough guy about it, we didn't even take him to the doctor until Monday after it still seemed to bother him. We were shocked to find out her had a broken arm (distal radius buckle fracture). So now he is in a cast for 3 weeks. He seems to be doig fine with it, although I'll be happy to get it off as it is starting to stink!
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