My little bundle is becoming a big girl. She is so outgoing and has no problem leaving me and walking to the front of story time to dance for everyone. However, she also loves to snuggle and give hugs and kisses to everyone she can get her hands on. I started taking her to babysitting at the gym, worried since it was my first time leaving her somewhere. She barely even knew I left. When I picked her up after, I asked her if she had fun with Jamie (the girl that works there) and she said, "yes, I love her." She is counting to 10 well, 20 so-so, and singing her ABC's along with a million other songs. She is talking so much that it is unusual for her to have any trouble getting her point across. She will go on the potty sometimes, but only when she feels like it and more often milks the one on one time with me or Chris as long as she can with nothing in the pot!
I took another go at cake decorating and I think there has been some improvements since the Buzz and Woody one I did for Kyler. Hopefully, they keep getting better. Plus, its fun and saves a couple bucks.

Mia is now a whopping 26 pounds even (45%)! After I started giving her chocolate milk a couple months ago, she has gained 1 1/2 pounds. And like her brother, she is a string bean: 36.25 inches tall (>95%).

The 4 cousins.

Kyler continues to amaze me with what a big boy he is becoming too. He is learning so much at his new school this year. He is starting to sound out words, do some basic math, and talks about planets, gravity, space, fire safety, speaking Spanish... He also really likes the Montessori part of his school, doing "jobs" and learning practical skills to take care of himself. I'm really glad I made the change to this school. He also enjoys playing football every Saturday. He is the youngest kid on the team by far, but really learning a lot. He had 3 carries, a "tackle", and snapped the ball a few times at center this past week! It also helps that he is finally out of his cast!
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