Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Weekend

It was Kyler's first Christmas and although he doesn't know what is going on, he knows what he likes and he likes presents. The whole weekend was a big party and he loved it.

Partying at Aunt Michelle and Uncle Dave's on Saturday night.

Christmas Eve at Gramma and Granpa's house in his new Christmas jammies.

Christmas morning

Kyler is Elmo's new best friend (although I bet Elmo says that to all the kids!)

Look at that grip! FSU could use a new quarterback.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Kyler is 7 months

Kyler was 7 months old last Friday and got sick for the first time. And boy was it a doozy- the dreaded stomach bug. I got it first and gave it to Chris and Kyler. Then we thought everyone was feeling better, so we went to Erik and Renee's house for Erik's birthday. 2 days later, Erik, Michelle, my Mom, and Father-in-law all had it.
And just the other day, my Dad came down with it. So, I pretty much took out the whole family and it takes everyone about a week to get over it.
Kyler handled it the best out of everyone though: no fussing, no crying, and sleeping fine. I couldn't believe it. Even when he was throwing up, he was still smiling and happy. I just can't get over how good he is: sleeps great, eats everything you put in front of him, and now even handles being sick well. Everyone tells me that it means the next baby is going to be a nightmare! I sure hope not.

At Gramma's work party, before getting sick.

With the big guy-no crying!

Mama and Aunt Michelle stuffing their faces at Uncle Erik's party..."Where's my cake and ice cream..."

Chillin at Uncle Erik's party

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Kyler's Baptism

Kyler's baptism was today. He was such a good boy through the whole service and didn't fuss a bit. He even enjoyed hanging out with everyone at brunch afterward, even though he had completely missed his morning nap. I guess he didn't want to miss any of the action.

Being a good boy for Pastor Steve

With Mommy, Daddy, Gramma, and Granpa at the Church

At brunch with Aunt Renee and Uncle Erik

Gramma, Aunt Michelle, and Uncle Dave