Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sick again...and again...and again...

This winter is really kicking our butts. It seems like we are always either getting sick, sick, or getting over being sick! I'm on my 3rd round of antibiotics for the sinus infection that won't quit, and for the heck of it, threw a stomach virus on top of it. Of course, the stomach virus got passed on to Chris. Kyler seems to have been spared from that, but he is getting over pink eye and an ear infection. Doesn't our house sound like fun!?!?

In our spare time, we've also embarked on another adventure: PRE-potty training. Kyler will be 21 months in a week or so, but I have a friend who's little girl was fully potty trained by that age! I'm not expecting anything, but it can't help to introduce the idea, right??? I noticed my cousin, Kelly, is going through the same thing with her little boy, Jake.

So I bought a book (of course, those of you that know me, know I buy a book for everything) but I think it may be back-firing. It says to start teaching the terminology. So Chris and I had to go over a long list and decide on our words, ie pee-pee, tinkle, wee-wee, willy, poos, caca, BM, tushy, bum, etc. So now Kyler is running around saying, "PEE-PEE, POO-POO". Great. Then, we taught him not to fear the flush. So he cranks on all the flushers in the house until the chains break! Great! There is also another good story about putting some of the poop from his diaper into the toilet and flushing it, but I've been banned from telling it.

Anyway, we got him a little potty just so he can get used to it, but he won't be still long enough to sit on it, especially not with his pants off. So for now, we'll take what we can get.

I'm starting to think this would be easier.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Frosty the ....Scary Man

We finally got some real snow to play in today!

Getting geared up in my new digs.

Watching Mama carefully as she works.

What a great creation she made!


Kids just crack me up. Kyler had a great time watching me build the snowman from snow on the ground, but once he had a face and arms......HE'S SCARY!!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Library and Date Night

Kyler is finally feeling better having some fun. We went to the library this past Friday for story time and it was great. We had tried a couple months ago and had to leave after a few minutes because he just couldn't sit still. This time, he sat the whole time and did the songs, finger plays, and listened to the stories. I couldn't believe the change. I gotta give props to The Malvern School for that. We're very happy about him going there. He got his first "report card" and I had my first parent-teacher conference last week. He has learned a lot- I guess that balances with him being sick ALL THE TIME!!!

Enjoying the unseasonably warm weather last week!

Who taught him that?

My Mom and Dad took Kyler over night Saturday night so we could have a date night. Since it was the first in a long time, we crammed it all in: movie, dinner, and Erik's gig. I stayed out until...(brace yourself)....12:15 AM!!! It was great. We saw "I am Legend" and loved it..intense, scary at times, but awesome. Kyler had a good time at Grandma and Grandpa's too.