Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dutch Wonderland and Daddy's Birthday

Chris had off Friday for his birthday so we celebrated by taking Kyler to Dutch Wonderland. We all had a really fun time! I did a few things but mostly played photographer.

Saturday was Daddy's birthday party.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Presley Marie
Born August 19th, 2008 2:52 AM
Weight: 8 lbs 1 ounce
Length: 20 3/4 inches

Congratulations to my cousin Kristen, Chris, and new big sister Maddy!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Parties and Playdates

Cousin Olivia's 4th B-day party.
Hanging with my look-alike, Ethan.

Starting a big wheel gang.

Pinata time

Playing with my friend, Liam.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Our 4 year anniversary was on Thursday. Yeah us!
We celebrated on Tuesday night by going out to dinner in the city and going to the Police concert. We had a great time, although we were exhausted on Wednesday. On Thursday, we drove up to Canada for Chris' friend Sean's wedding. Congratulations Sean and Amanda. It was great seeing all Chris' old friends and it was nice because there was a couple other pregos for me to hang with.

Oh, the toll 4 years has taken on me. Daddy looks good, but it looks like this lady ate Mommy!

So the gift for 4th anniversary is flowers or fruit, neither of which I thought Chris would be thrilled about. So he got a "bouquet" of his favorite candy: fruit slices. I got a giant flowering plant.

Kyler spent the weekend with Gaga and Pop pop. No doubt they took a bunch of pictures but since I don't have them, here is a cute potty shot. (I figured I needed at least one picture of Kyler since it is his blog.)