Thursday, April 19, 2007

A couple more teeth, a couple more steps...

Kyler now has a total of 6 teeth! 2 more upper teeth, the ones on each side of his middle 2, broke through in the past week. You really have to look to see them because his top teeth don't show much when he smiles, but they're there. I'll try to get a pic if I can.
He is also starting to take 4-5 steps (up from 2-3) without totally face planting. We think he is going to put it together any day now, then Mama will be in real trouble.
I've started the weaning process, so I am still nursing but I am no longer pumping: yeah! I'll continue until he is 1 (in 2 1/2 weeks) then its to milk.
Here are some more pics from Kyler's photo shoot with my cousin Kelly. I got the complete disc (Thanks Kelly) and they are all so cute.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Kyler is 11 months old and Easter!

Kyler had his 11 month Birthday on Sunday. He is 22 pounds, 13.5 ounces and much too squirmy to get his height. He is starting to take a couple steps without holding on when going from one place to another. He has tried to take a step in the middle of the floor but just falls on his butt. He's trying though and you can almost "see" him thinking about it. "Can I make it or should I go with the crawl?"
Of course, Sunday was his first Easter and he had fun with his no-chocolate Easter basket.

"I want an Easter egg, I want an Easter egg, I want an Easter eeeeeeeeeegg!"

At Aunt Bunny and Uncle Bob's house with Jake and Olivia

Looks like Kyler is making off with something important while Jake, Ethan, and Earl watch. Maddy was also there looking so pretty in her Easter dress, but I guess I didn't get a picture of her!

I think in this one of his profile, he looks like me.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

One step closer to soccer mom!

We finally got rid of the huge, gas-guzzling (11 miles per gallon), Durango and traded it in for a Chrysler Pacifica. (I keep calling it a Pacifico, which Chris reminds me is a beer and not a car. Whatever, I like both!) Anyway it is a cross between a mini-van/SUV/wagon: 3 rows of seating, plenty of space inside, and about double the gas mileage as the truck. I love it.

In other news, Kyler is definately my boy. Much to Chris' dismay, Kyler's new favorite food is VEGGIE BURGERS! He loves the Garden Burger brand. I just chop it into pieces and he goes to town. He can't get them in his mouth fast enough.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

2 Birthday Parties!

We had my birthday dinner at Hibachi last Sat night. Chris' parents were in town, so the whole crew was there. We took up the entire grill. Kyler seemed to like the show, but was a little frightened by the flaming onion volcano.

Then, this Saturday was cousin Jake's 1st birthday party. Kyler had fun playing with the other kids. Maddy wasn't able to make it, but Olivia, Ethan, Jake, and Kyler were all over the place. It won't be long until Kyler has his big day. I can't believe how fast it has gone!