Saturday, March 24, 2007

34-Uggg! and morning nap-Uggg!

Mommy turned 34 on Wednesday and here is a rare picture of me and her.

It seems that Kyler is starting to give up his morning nap. I know it is about that time, but I am still trying desperately to keep it going. I have heard that most kids give it up around one year. He has always been a very good napper so I hope he would go a little longer. Besides, he isn't even a year yet! I will keep up my efforts to save it for now.
I haven't figured out how to get the video going on line yet, but Kyler continues to cruise around the house. He now has a toy (from Gramma) that he pushes like a cart back and forth in the family room. He also stands on his own for longer and longer periods of time. Walking may be very soon- I will keep you posted.
He wont drink out of a sippy cup and prefers playing with it, but today he slurped sips from a real cup and loved it. In fact, he had the death grip on it and I had a hard time taking it away!

Am I ready for potty training- I seem to have mastered the toilet paper part!

More photos from my photo shoot.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Kyler is 10 months old...

...and getting into everything!

He is all over the place, now and you can't keep him still. Getting him dressed is a full-on wrestling match and changing his diaper has become a 2 person job: one to pin him down and one to do the diaper!
He chases the cat and dog crawling around the house laughing and screeching while they run terrified. He really likes walking while holding onto things. He walks laps around the coffee table. His newest trick is to stand up, pull the kitchen chair out from under the table, and walk across the kitchen while holding onto and pushing the chair. He'll go from one side of the kitchen to the other and if he runs into something, he pulls the chair back, repositions and keeps going. We have some video of it so I'll put it up if I can figure out how to do it.
Other monthly stats: 22lbs. Unable to get his height because he won't lay still long enough. The other top tooth has broken through so that makes 4.
He is just getting over his first cold, but it wasn't bad at all. He had a low fever one day and a runny nose for about a week- no cough or anything. Which is good, since I was already freaking out. I called the doctor to make an appointment and I waited on hold for 35 minutes for the nurse to tell me, "relax crazy lady, you're kid's got a cold, no appointment necessary."

"Hey, where'd that kitty go?"

"Ha, I have you cornered!"

"Darn, baby-proofing"

"This is my drawer-Mommy let's me play in here. So, of course, I rarely want to!"

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Photo Shoot

Kyler had a photo shoot with my cousin, Kelly, a couple weeks ago. Kelly is an awesome photographer and has a special talent for making babies look even more adorable. Here are a couple of the shots of Kyler. You can check out more photos of Kyler and her other great pictures at her photography blog. If you want to book her, check out her website.