Monday, September 21, 2009

Back to school and Soccer!

Back to school.
An old pro this year.

First day of soccer and he loves it!

The only time Mia doesn't scream about being in the pack and play is when her brother is with her. Which is nice because Kyler insists on getting in with her every time. However, the problem is that I am often putting her in there to protect her from him.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Mia is 11 months old!

Only one more month and my baby will officially be a big girl. She is already starting to act like one. What a difference it makes when they get mobile. She is into everything, just like Kyler was at this age. The 6 gates are in place and I need to check up to make sure all the old baby proofing is up to speck. She especially loves getting into her brother's stuff, which he finds terribly annoying. Of course, now he is into more intricate play, putting together complex hot wheels tracks and building real things with his leggos. Then along comes baby sister and thrashes it all! She finally made a big jump in her weight this month, gaining over a pound. She is now 19 pounds, 7 ounces (35%). It is probably because she is loving eating more big people food and feeding herself. She likes pasta, grapes, and grilled cheese sandwich pieces. Still just the 2 teeth.

We just got Kyler signed up for soccer and he is so excited. He starts next week, but we went to the open house and he did a free practice class. He loved it. Every time we say the word soccer, he says proudly, "I play soccer!"

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Ocean City, MD 2009

We had our big annual trip to Ocean City, MD last week and had a great time. Kyler was able to remember the beach this year and was excited before we even went. He really enjoyed it. One night, pulling into the parking lot, he said, "I love coming home to our beach house!" Mia had a great time too. She is so daring, she just jumped right into the sand, the water, biking... Kids make everything so much more fun.
Mia's first time in the ocean!

The boys' annual kite flying adventure. Sponge Bob took flight again this year!
Kyler was able to keep up (for the most part) by himself on his big boy bike this year.
Mia enjoyed the ride.
Kyler walking to the beach...Daddy walking to the beach...
Aunt Chelle, Uncle Dave, and cousin Lyla joined us for 3 days.

Aunt Renee, Uncle Erik, and cousin Kelsey too.
Kyler's first year at putt-putt. He did pretty good on the first couple holes, then turned into hockey (must be the Canadian in him).
Just a spectator this year.
Assateaque Island boat trip. We "caught" a great clam shell.