Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Smart guy

It's so fun watching Kyler learn new things, and learning things you don't even realize he's learning.

A couple weeks ago, we noticed Kyler would point to the Cat in the Hat book saying "apple". There is no apple on the cover. Then he pointed to Chris' Florida State shirt saying "apple". We finally realized he was pointing to the A's, A for Apple. So I wrote out letters to find out that he knows a bunch of letters by name. I didn't even know it. So now when we read books, he likes to point out letters he knows.

We have been using a baby doll to get him use to the idea of having a baby around. So he hugs it, gives it a bottle, and throws it on the floor...luckily, we still have time. Anyway, the other day he picked up the doll, turned it over, sniffed its butt, made a funny face, and said Poo-poo! At least he can help identify when the baby needs a diaper change.

Here he is enjoying Mama's hummus. If you try to give him a pretzel, he does a dipping motion with it, pitching a fit for some hummus.

Our little monkey.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Smoochfest 2008

As some of you may remember, I was going to put up a video a couple of months ago of Kyler & Isabelle. Chris, just now got me the thing I needed to download it from my camera. So here it is.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


...and I'm not talking about Poo-poo this time.

Chris and I are happy to announce that baby #2 is on the way. I am 13 weeks right now with a due date of October 16th. We had a second ultrasound today and everything seems to be going well.
I have not been feeling so well, though. Much more fatigue and morning sickness than with Kyler but hopefully that will be improving soon. In fact Kyler is always saying, "Mama night night", because I guess he thinks all I do is sleep and lay around on the couch :( I apologize to those of you that I have been bad about calling back, emailing, making plans, etc. I've been "night night" a lot.
We won't be finding out the sex this time. Since I'm having a scheduled C-section, we want something to be unknown.

How we announced it to our parents, Michave and Renerik on my Dad's birthday

And to my cousin Kristen: I got your October!