Chris decided last Sunday that he wanted to run the 5K at Good Neighbor Day on the 4th of July (that Friday). So, since he hadn't actually run since, oh I don't know...high school, he decided to run roughly 3 miles that night to see if he could. Of course, he did it and so he ran the race that Friday. Don't you know, Chris finished 265 out of over 900 5K runners and 17 out of 42 for men 30-34 years old. YEAH CHRIS!! You know, most people kind of train for these things, or at least run more than once in the past 14 years. I couldn't run 3 blocks right now if my life depended on it!
Kyler and I went to watch and it was pretty exciting. There was over 1700 runners for the 3 races: 5K, 10K, and 15K.

Enjoying the fun house later during a break in the rain. Of course, after coming down the slide, Kyler says his usual, "More, more, please" and tries to run right back into the fun house. Sorry kid, this isn't the park. These rides are $2.50 a pop. We were able to limit it to 2 and then distract with pizza.

Way to go Chris! :)
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